We are OPEN in the East Village! Wow. I am certain as I head over on the train tomorrow morning I will cry into my coffee in disbelief. I hope to meet some new neighbors and friends in the city – just as we have in Montclair. The NJ shop has become a gathering place for inspired creative thinkers and I can’t wait to see how the East Village location evolves also.
I will give you all a full report including pics of the area here soon!
Meanwhile, this is our storefront in the city:

Come say hello! I will be there on Thursdays and Mr. {verdigreen} (AKA Travis) will be there all the other days. (Open Hours: Tues-Sat 12-7pm)
#anniesloan #chalkpaint #diy #eastvillage #hours #location #manhattan #montclair #newyork #nj #ny #paint