We always ask our customers to share their DIY project pics with us and often post them to our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Occasionally, the project is so transformative yet so inexpensive and quick and easy that we really want to reach as many potential DIY-ers as possible so we opt to share here on our blog. This is one of those projects!
Our lovely customer, Cynthia, traveled from New York to Montclair to purchase the paint for her project and spend some time getting instruction and confidence to go home and beautify her space. She had a large brick fireplace that was an eyesore and made the paneling and beams look dated (even though they are back in a big way!) She literally painted ONE coat of Annie Sloan Graphite Chalk Paint on her brick, and WOW what a difference!! It’s suddenly Modern Rustic and chic!! Way to go, Cynthia!

Some tips we gave Cynthia:
Don’t skimp on the brush – use a natural bristle Annie Sloan paintbrush. The way it holds and distributes the paint is like no other! A synthetic brush on a brick fireplace will just bend and flop around. Stiff bristles in a round shape make all the difference!
Feel free to water the paint down slightly. While you don’t want to create a “washed” look for this specific aesthetic, the brick will be porous and rough so adding about 10% water will help the naturally thick paint flow a bit better.
Stipple the brush (a stabbing motion) into the lower points like the mortar grid to achieve full coverage, then brush over.
Skip the wax! Chalk Paint cures on it’s own and to keep it consistent with brick, the matte look is best … which means you literally paint a coat of Graphite and you are DONE! Couldn’t be any easier than that!
Here are her Before + After photos:

Let us know if we can help walk you through your at home DIY projects! We have a studio and DIY boutique in Montclair, NJ just 12 miles west of NYC and are happy to help!
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