We’ve been having fun in the shop lately working on custom pieces and painted projects. If you visit us in our Montclair shop or NYC shop or follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you get to see sneak peeks into our creative process on a daily basis. For those who don’t, here are a couple of our recent favorites:
First up, we took a blonde nondescript nightstand from the 60s and revitalized it with a fun geometric design. It’s now fresh and modern and on trend in its pastel glory. I like to say it was inspired by the Gotye video (image below). HA! Ari painted this using custom Annie Sloan mixes using Duck Egg, Paris Grey, and Henrietta & creative placement of painters’ tape:

Next we have a custom project that was so heartwarming to work on. This carousel horse was gifted to daughter from mom in the 80s when she was a child…and now mom has a daughter of her own, Grandma is gifting a new paint job to the little one, 30 years later! (Did that make sense?) We were so honored to work on it. It posed a major challenge because the crackle varnish that was used in the 80s was NOT having being painted over. It kept crackling our paint job and then the shellac we attempted sealing with it. It had to be painstakingly scraped (no toxic strippers on this baby!) and then painted fresh. We LOVE how she turned out and how beautifully she accents the room. What a special project!!

Feel free to share your projects with us or contact us for a quote on your own custom heirloom by emailing me at azie@verdigreenhome.com and I will post them to our customer Facebook album.
#anniesloan #chalkpaint #custom #diy #eastvillage #forsale #furniture #montclair #newjersey #newyork #nyc #painted #verdigreen