We are FLOORED to see our name on the page(s) of Domino Magazine! What a thrill! If you haven’t seen it, here is the link. The article even made it to the Editor’s Picks!! I am feeling verklempt and faint-y right about now.

Our mention in Domino was in reference to painting fabric (like a sofa, for example) with Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan. If you are a regular reader or customer, you have seen the countless painted fabric projects we have shared with you. We LOVE painting fabric with Chalk Paint® because it works well and is instant gratification.
Here are some examples of painted fabrics we have experimented with:

Painting fabric is a technique that slightly varies depending on what the textile is made of. Linen, silk, and cotton all accept the paint in a different way than leather or vinyl or polyester. Talk to your local Chalk Paint® Stockist before you tackle your project or contact us here & we will guide you through the process.
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