You guys know I love a good dye job. I have been playing a LOT at the studio (aka my Wonderland) with different textiles and decor items…and last week’s experiment was by far my fave thus far.
Here’s what you will need:
1 IKEA faux sheepskin rug (Tejn $14.99)
1 or more Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® hues…I chose Graphite & Arles for one rug and a mix of Burgundy + Pure White and Florence + Pure White on the other rug
Bucket or tub
Warm water
10 minutes
How to: Fill a tub halfway with warm water. Add 1/2 cup of your Chalk Paint® color and mix well. Dip your Tejn rug inside (I dipped one side in one color, the other side in the other). Squeeze out excess water. Hang outside to dry in the sun. THAT’S IT!!!! I can’t even. Literally the simplest project with the most fun results. I am going to have an entire army of rainbow sheepies at the shop soon!
Here’s how mine came out:

#anniesloan #anniesloanchalkpaint #chalkpaint #dye #fabricdye #howtouse #ikeahack #montclair #newjersey #newyork #Nj #nyc #paintedrug #sheepskin #tutorial #verdigreen